Frozen Shoulder Surgery and Post-Operative Rehabilitation
Not every frozen shoulder injury requires surgery.
It's generally understood by doctors and surgeons, that surgery will introduce even more scar tissue into the shoulder joint capsule. This added scar tissue will be problematic, requiring intensive PT and conservative treatment options post-surgery. If not dealt with properly, your frozen shoulder injury could end up in worse condition than before the surgery! This is why surgery is only performed as a last resort.
Most doctors, physicians and orthopedic specialists will recommend conservative treatment options for early cases of frozen shoulder injuries (in the freezing stage) before considering surgery.
Some conservative treatment methods recommended include:
- Rest - This is important for initial healing to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation in the 'freezing' stage of your frozen shoulder injury. Too much rest can also be harmful to frozen shoulder injuries because joint immobility of the shoulder (from frozen shoulder or some other injury like a rotator cuff tear) can actually cause more stiffening in the shoulder joint. This is why rest should be used when reducing initial pain and swelling, but should not be considered for more long-term conservative treatment.
- Apply A Cold Compress or Ice Pack
Using a cold pack will allow you to manage your pain while getting rid of swelling and inflammation during the intial 'freezing' stage and while your frozen shoulder injury gradually regains movement in the 'thawing' stage. Using cold at these times will stop your frozen shoulder injury from getting worse.
- Use a Shoulder TShellz Wrap® (Circulatory Boost) - You can use your own blood flow to maximize your rehabilitation, maintain healthy blood flow to your shoulder, decrease recovery time, and boost overall long term health in the shoulder joint. Promoting blood flow to your shoulder will help to minimize the growth of scar tissue, increase flexibility and help reduce the risk of atrophy.
- Physical Therapy (PT) - Surgery is usually the last resort. This means doctors or surgeons typically won't perform a surgery until they feel that their patient has put effort into treating their injury with conservative treatment methods. This includes 4 to 6 months of PT. If you haven't experienced any improvement in your condition during that time then surgery may be considered. Agressive PT approaches will focus on forced or manual manipulation of your shoulder joint - this means your physical therapists will be trying to move your shoulder past the point where it 'sticks' or is 'frozen' in place. This can be painful and end up making your injury worse if not done correctly. (reference: 1)
- Stretching - Stretching your frozen shoulder in PT and at home will help you to regain your range of motion much faster than not stretching the shoulder joint at all. Stretching in many ways is the key to overcoming a frozen shoulder injury, and stretching can be made much easier with use of a TShellz Wrap before to warm up the tissue, and then use a Cold Compress or Ice Pack after to prevent any return of swelling and inflammation.
Why Won't My Frozen Shoulder Heal?
Why are frozen shoulder injuries so hard to overcome? Why does it take so long to heal?
In two words - scar tissue.
The ball and socket shoulder joint is meant to be flexible with soft tissue surrounding it that helps support your bones to move. The shoulder joint is also surrounded by a soft capsule that stretches up when you raise your arm and hands down like a loose sac when your arm is lowered. When you have frozen shoulder, this sac gets surrounded by bands of scar tissue that overlap each other. This scar tissue hardens the sac, and as the scar tissue conitnues to build up it clogs your shoulder joint.
If you're suffering with scar tissue in your shoulder right now, you may feel the effects with stiffness, tightness, and weakness in your shoulder. Your shoulder probably sticks, making it difficult (if not impossible) for you to raise your arm up or hold it out to the side.
As you use your shoulder and force your arm movement past the point where your arm sticks, you start to damage this scar tissue. When this tissue is damaged, even more scar tissue will form to act as little band-aids on the joint.
Scar tissue is the MAIN reason why your shoulder injury just hasn't healed.
Scar tissue can form fast to bring together micro-tears in your shoulder joint, but working fast doesn't mean that the job's done right. When scar tissue forms it doesn't come together as neatly as regular (healthy) tissue would. Scar tissue fibers will lay down over top of your joint in a cluttered, messy and jumbled up way.
Using conservative treatment methods like the Shoulder TShellz Wrap® will help to soften scar tissue and bring more blood flow to allow your body to convert this scar tissue into normal, healthy tissue much more quickly. Stretching also helps to breakup some scar tissue and organize what is left, increasing the strength of this tissue so it's more like the weave of a basket. Using conservative treatment methods and stretching regularly are both key parts of your recovery and your PT after surgery.
Safe, Effective Conservative Treatment Options are Available
If you are not at the surgery stage and your physician has opted to treat your injury with conservative treatment options, then you will find that many of our customers have had great success treating themselves with the powerful conservative treatment products we offer through AidMyFrozenShoulder - the Shoulder TShellz Wrap. When used as directed, it is our opinion that the TShellz Wrap® is a crucial part of a conservative home treatment protocol - a protocol designed to aid in the recovery process. If surgical intervention is required, talk with your physician about using these same products for post-surgery recovery as they are intended to be highly effective for reducing post surgery inflammation, enhancing range of motion and minimizing scar tissue growth (which is a common problem in nearly any case of significant surgery).
What You We Recommend to Help Recovery from Your Frozen Shoulder at Home
- A Cold Compress or Ice Pack to reduce inflammation of the tendon and surrounding area (as soon as possible).
- A Shoulder TShellz Wrap to increase blood-flow to the treatment area in the shoulder, relieve pain and help increase flexibility of soft tissue.
- MendMeShop Arnica Pain Cream for temporary relief of pain due to sore muscles and joints.
- An Exercise & Stretching Plan to prevent muscle atrophy and shortened tendons. A proper plan will increase elasticity and strengthen muscles in the area where the problem lies.
The TShellz Wrap® will not only enhance blood flow in the treatment area, the treatment is intended to help prevent (or reduce risk of) atrophy by increasing elasticity of the affected soft tissue. This increased elasticity will reduce your risk of re-injury or worsening the injury (strain,sprain,microtearing).
If Surgery is Required...
If surgical intervention is required, talk with your doctor about using these same products for post-surgery recovery as you will find them to be highly effective for reducing post-surgery inflammation, enhancing range of motion and minimizing scar tissue growth (which is a substantial problem in nearly any case of shoulder surgery).
The type of surgery you will have depends on how severe your frozen shoulder injury is. How dedicated you were to conservative treatment options will also be a factor that determines what type of surgery is needed.
What Stage Is My Frozen Shoulder Injury At?
Stage 1: "Freezing" Painful Phase
If you are in the "Freezing" or painful phase of your frozen shoulder injury, then you are experiencing a mild onset of pain and gradual loss of your range of motion. You may feel a lot of tenderness and inflammation in your shoulder joint. More pain will also be experienced when sleeping at night, especially if you lay on the affected shoulder. This stage can last 1 - 9 months. Only about 3% of medical professionals will recommend surgery during this phase of frozen shoulder. (reference: 1)
It is believed by most doctors that conservative treatment methods are best to deal with the symptoms and progression of frozen shoulder at this stage. Using the correct conservative treatments on a consistent basis (daily) can help to reduce how long you will suffer from this condition.
Stage 2: "Frozen" Stiff and Adhesive Phase
Pain will start to ease over time as inflammation and swelling decrease. Scar tissue that has formed over the shoulder joint capsule will begin to harder, decreasing your range of motion and clogging up your shoulder joint. You will have approx 50% less movement in your shoulder and this phase can last between 4 - 12 months. At this point, surgery is considered more often if conservative treatment methods have been used for over 6 months with little to no positive results.
Approx 47% of medical professionals will recommend surgical treatment during this and the 3rd stage ("thawing" phase) of frozen shoulder. (reference: 1)
Stage 3: "Thawing" Recovery Phase
Pain will continue to decrease as the scar tissue in your shoulder begins to loosen up. Slowly your stiffness will disappear as you regain full range of motion in your shoulder. This phase happens very slowly, and can last anywhere between 5 months to 3 years.
If your doctor has decided that you need surgery to help your shoulder to heal, then he may present 3 options to you: Manipulation under Anesthesia, Arthroscopic Capsular Release or Open Capsular Release.
As with any surgery there are risks to every procedure depending on a lot of factors, including your age, the severity of your injury and your level of health going into the procedure. It is always best to discuss all possible risks and complications with your doctor, orthopaedic specialist and/or surgeon before the procedure.
It's important to be aware of the risks you may face with any procedure intended to break up scar tissue in your shoulder.
Manipulation Under Anesthesia
Shoulder Manipulation is an aggressive approach that involves stretching the shoulder while you're under general anaesthetia. You get put to sleep during this procedure as the process of forcing your shoulder through the full range of motion (past your point of comfort) can be quite painful. This procedure is basically meant to tear and rip up the scar tissue in your joint to force a new healing cycle for new swelling, inflammation and tissue repair. The hope is that this procedure will get the range of motion back in your shoulder.
In order to make sure your frozen shoulder injury doesn't come back, you'll have to go to PT afterwards to maintain shoulder mobility. You probably won't notice an immediate difference or change in your range of motion. Many patients have to wait a few weeks to regain their range of motion after this procedure - a recovery process that requires PT and conservative treatment methods. (reference: 1)
The doctor will probably suggest this procedure when you're in the 'frozen' stage of your injury. Usually it's done at a time when your pain has decresed but you've reached the point where you have the most limtied range of motion since your injury started. This type of procedure is usually done for those suffering from frozen shoulder without any other injury or condition - that includes other shoulder soft tissue injuries (ie. rotator cuff tear, impingement syndrome) or diabetes. Those who are diabetics usually end up having their shoulder refreeze on them 2 to 3 weeks after a manipulation procedure. (reference: 1)
After the procedure is done you may be injected with a local anesthetic to help you deal with the pain. Sometimes this process is also combined with a steroid injection into the shoulder and once completed. Manipulation can be very effective but in many cases it can create more injuries and make your shoulder even worse. Other injuries - like bone fractures, dislocation of the shoulder joint, rotator cuff tears and complications such as stretching and possibly tearing of the soft tissues in your shoulder (rotator cuff muscles and tendons, ligaments, cartilage, joint capsule), increasing inflammation and scarring in the shoulder joint, dislocating or fracturing your arm bone, neurovascular injury to your brachial plexus or other nerves, and severe osteopenia (reduction in bone mass or density) - have been known to happen from manipulation. This procedure requires aggressive rehabilitation.
Arthroscopic or Open Capsular Release
The lining of the shoulder joint is know as a "capsule". This capsule is normally very elastic and flexible, allowing the shoulder to maintain a large range of motion. In the case of frozen shoulder, this capsule loses its elasticity through inflammation or damage / tearing to the surrounding ligaments. When this happens you lose range of motion and experience a great deal of pain in the area.
Occasionally an arthroscopic exam or open surgical procedure is required to release a tight shoulder joint capsule, especially when you have a very adhesive capsulitis after an injury, trauma or fracture (often used with diabetics as well). Arthroscopic surgery involves making tiny incisions around your shoulder joint and inserting a pencil-thin, fiber optic camera with a small lens and lighting system in one hole, and small surgical instruments in the other holes. The surgeon will take a look inside your joint to investigate all the soft tissues and bones. These images will then be transmitted to a TV monitor, which allow the doctor to make a diagnosis and/or perform the adhesive capsulitis surgery under video control. At the end of surgery, your incisions are closed, and a dressing is applied.

Arthroscopic capsular release involves cutting the tight portions of your joint capsule, scar tissue and your coracohumeral ligament. This frees your joint which alleviates pain and returns your full range of motion. Results are seen faster with this surgery than with MUA, and this surgery can be repeated a few times if inflammation and scar tissue persist. However, if shoulder movement isn't regained, open surgery may be required (a larger incision is made to have better access to the shoulder). Complications with this surgery involve persistent stiffness and pain.
An arthroscopic or open capsular release surgery will remove scar tissue within the shoulder capsule. Once this tissue is removed, the capsule will hopefully be more flexible allowing you to regain mobility in the shoulder joint. The success rate for capsular release surgery is over 95%, though in some cases, more surgical intervention may be required for scar tissue removal, especially if you have undergone open surgery vs arthroscopic.
The capsular release surgical technique can be completed through Arthroscopic surgery, Open surgery or a combination of both procedures. With most frozen shoulder injuries, arthroscopic surgery is the preferred procedure because it's minimally invasive and patients usually recover at a much faster rate. This type of surgery will provide the surgeon with first hand insight into the nature of the injury and possibly limit the amount of shoulder damage from surgery - helping to promote a more effective recovery. Some cases however, will require open surgery as the scope of arthroscopic surgery is limited in comparison to full exposure of the shoulder capsule in open surgery. If you undergo an open surgery for your frozen shoulder, you should expect a longer time for rehabilitation efforts.
Stability of your Shoulder after Surgery
During the first 24 to 72 hours after the surgery your shoulder will be tender, swollen and very painful. Your shoulder may be weak and unstable, and depending on your procedure, you may have to wear an arm sling for at least 1 week. The most important aspect of frozen shoulder surgery is the rehabilitation afterwards, because those who don't stretch and use conservative treatment methods usually have their frozen shoulder injury come back within a few weeks.
There is always a possibility of re-injuring your shoulder even after a surgical procedure has been done.
Ask any doctor and they'll tell you that the success of your surgery depends on your level of dedication to regular at home care of your shoulder through conservative treatments such as rest, cold compression, stretching exercises, and the use of a TShellz Wrap® (after swelling is down) following surgery
Using these treatments will lessen the chance and/or severity of shoulder joint degeneration and surrounding muscular atrophy during your rehabilitation process. In some cases our customers have prevented the onset of degeneration through regular use of these treatments. They will even combine these treatments with the rehabilitation plan recommended by their doctor, surgeon or physical therapist.
Getting Started with Your Post-Operative Rehabilitation
If you've had surgery on your frozen shoulder then your doctor will quickly get you on the path to rehabilitation. The aggressiveness of your rehabilitation efforts and your injury's ability to heal will depend on a variety of factors including (but not limited to):
- your age, overall health, and activity level
- the state of your frozen shoulder injury before surgery... A massive build up of scar tissue will mean more tissue damage after surgery and also requre more rehabilitation.
- the type of surgery you had
- how soon you need to return to normal activity
The goal of a rehabilitation plan is to manage pain and swelling while improving function, strength, and range of motion. Ultimately at the end of your recovery you'll regain strength and return to full activity. In order to achieve this you'll most likely spend a lot of time with a physical therapist after your surgery, but as your healing progresses, emphasis will be placed on your conservative treatments at home.
No Two Rehabilitation Plans Are Alike.
The Less Invasive Your Surgery,
the Quicker Your Road To Recovery
The success of your rehabilitation will depend on your dedication to working with your physical therapist while also managing your recovery on a daily basis at home.
No matter what type of surgery you've had (or even if you don't need surgery) your home rehab routine can be improved by controlling initial and on-going pain/swelling, increasing circulation in the area to ensure your body has adequate blood flow to regenerate soft tissue, and incorporating daily stretches to increase range of motion so you can achieve long-term, positive results. To increase circulation in the Shoulder, we recommend the Shoulder TShellz Wrap®.
Post-op Recovery Time & Scar Tissue
After the incision site has healed, speak with your doctor about using our Shoulder TShellz Wrap® to get Circulation Boost. Using our Shoulder TShellz Wrap® following your surgery will minimize scar tissue growth in the shoulder that will form as you heal. Treating scar tissue is the most important step following surgery, especially in a joint to improve its range of motion.
Leaving scar tissue untreated can lead to stiffness, chronic pain, osteoarthritis or other chronic conditions. You'll also probably end up with a frozen shoulder injury again in a matter of weeks. Circulatory Boost encourages more oxygen and nutrients to flow to the area to speed healing and improve the strength of the soft tissue in your joint.
As you maintain healthy blood flow circulation in your shoulder it's also important to keep moving. If you stop moving your joint will stiffen up and surrounding muscle and soft tissue will begin to atrophy (waste away). Your physical therapist will likely recommend a stretching program that will help strengthen your shoulder joint. We recommend a TShellz Wrap® treatment before undergoing rigorous exercise or stretches as this will help increase elasticity of soft tissue and thus reduce risk of reinjury.
Pre-Surgical and Post-Surgical Options
Step 1 - Reduce Pain & Swelling with a Cold Compress or Ice Pack
The 1st step for conservative treatment of your frozen shoulder before and after surgery is to reduce swelling to "open up" the area for more blood flow. Anyone in the health-care business knows that your blood supplies the oxygen and much needed nutrients required for your body to heal naturally after surgery. This is why doctors and surgeons recommend cold within the first 72 hours of an injury and following frozen shoulder surgery.
Cold is recommended to reduce pain, swelling and tissue damage. Many doctors, surgeons and physical therapists consider cold to be the gold standard for treatment of inflammation and pain. On-going cold treatments can reduce, or even eliminate, the need for NSAIDs or other medications that can be harmful to your body.
The application of a Cold Compress or Ice Pack is known and trusted by most medical professionals. This is why for years doctors, trainers and other medical professionals have recommended RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) to treat the pain and swelling of fresh injuries, chronic pain, after any re-injury, and especially after surgery.
A Cold Compress or Ice Pack slows nerve and tissue function - reducing the swelling that blocks blood vessels from doing their job.
This is important because once blood vessels are blocked or damaged, they can no longer carry oxygenated blood through the tissue and tissue begin to break-down. Without cold compression, tissue break-down continues as they don't get the oxygen they need to survive. By limiting the amount of damage done to your shoulder joint capsule after surgery, you also limit the amount of healing that needs to occur. This is a very important step to heal frozen shoulder injuries faster and with less pain after surgery! This is why you need to treat your shoulder after surgery, when you notice pain / swelling / inflammation, or directly after a re-injury. Applying a Cold Compress right away will stop the damage immediately and unblock your blood vessels to let your body's natural blood flow in to start healing the tissue.
Use A Cold Compress or Ice Pack:
- 24 to 72 hours after your initial injury or when you first notice pain and swelling in or around your injured shoulder to stop tissue damage, relieve pain, and decrease swelling.
- After exercise, workouts or activity of any kind to prevent re-injury.
- Before and after surgery during rehabilitation to control pre and post-surgery pain and swelling.
- Anytime you feel your shoulder is tender, painful or you're having a flare-up of an old frozen shoulder injury.
- Anytime you have swelling, sharp throbbing pain or inflammation.
- Any other situation where you need to draw the pain and inflammation out of your shoulder.
Step 2 - Improve Circulation & Reduce Risk of Re-Injury with a TShellz Wrap®
There are a lot of people that think their frozen shoulder is gone after their swelling and inflammation are gone and their joint feels better. They also make the mistake of returning to regular activities too soon without proper time for healing. The truth is that healing takes time and after the swelling is gone your frozen shoulder injury isn't even close to being fully healed.
After the inflammation in and around your shoulder has been reduced, providing extra blood flow and strengthening the tissue around your shoulder is recommended. Believe it or not, the best time for you to focus on avoiding re-injury and strengthening your weakened joint is when the swelling's gone and your injury's started to heal. It's vital that you don't go back to activities too soon because you might bring on a major set-back in your recovery...
- Have you recently re-injured your shoulder by returning to your normal daily activities too quickly?
- How many times in the past have you aggravated your frozen shoulder just trying to perform basic tasks around your house?
- Is your shoulder injury preventing you from work or activities you love to do?
If this sounds like you - You're not alone...
Most people we deal with tell us these scenarios have happened to them many times in the past. The real challenge is how to promote blood flow to your injured shoulder without causing further injury. This goal is even more complicated by the fact that your shoulder is one of your most commonly used joints in everyday life.
Tendonitis, strained muscles, torn ligaments and overall joint pain can often occur at the same time - weakening not only your shoulder joint capsule, but also all of the soft tissue surrounding your shoulder in your weakened joint.
What Can You Do After Surgery?
The answer is simple. Your body can heal itself and it's the blood in your body that makes it all happen. Your blood is how everything that's good inside of you is transported directly to your damaged tissue. Your blood carries oxygen, nutrients and water right to the source of your injury and pain. Bringing proper blood flow to your shoulder is essential to healing.
Promoting blood flow around injured tissue to help the body heal itself is a concept that's been used for centuries. Oxygen and nutrients, carried in your own blood, are critical for the body to heal itself. Without proper blood flow, recovery from your frozen shoulder surgery will be delayed... Sometimes for a very long period of time.
Even though the concept is simple, improving blood flow to your shoulder can be difficult. When recovering from frozen shoulder surgery, the challenges are even greater because of the added risk of getting frozen shoulder again in a matter of weeks. Traditional methods require you to move your damaged tissue and sore/stiff joint in order to promote blood flow. Movement is critical for recovery from frozen shoulder surgery, but this same motion that promotes blood flow can also make your pain and injury much worse. Relying on movement alone to increase blood flow puts you in danger of re-injuring your shoulder. This is why blood flow should be increased before stretching and exercising your shoulder - to make the tissue more elastic and retain your range of motion.

Regular treatments with a Shoulder TShellz Wrap can reduce pain and stiffness from scar tissue and increase overall flexibility in your joint. Increased blood flow will whisk away damaged tissue, toxins, and any bacteria in or around your injured shoulder to promote more effective healing. Getting rid of toxins will allow all of the positive healing processes to start in your injury. Increasing blood flow will also increase the amount of oxygen that's being sent to your injured tissue AND boost your tissue's ability to absorb oxygen. (reference: 1)
The unit plugs into a wall outlet to get its power. It has a special signal controller which can be set for 3 different power levels of application (3=High, 2=Medium, 1=Low). The cord is long enough so you can sit or lie comfortably and watch TV, read or surf the net while you are using it.
Increased Blood Flow = More Oxygen, More Nutrients and Less Toxins = Faster Healing
TShellz Wraps® - Premium Quality, and 100% Guaranteed!
Like all our products, TShellz Wraps® are high quality products you will find nowhere else. We have them for every part of the body. And, of course, we guarantee our wraps with the MendMeShop 60 day, money back guarantee. If for any reason you're not happy with any product you purchase in our shop, you can send it back for a full product refund. We also provide a full year warranty on our TShellz Wrap® devices.
So, if you're really looking for the best options to treat your shoulder; if you're looking to reduce inflammation, treat scar tissue, boost your blood circulation and strengthen your shoulder naturally, the the Shoulder TShellz Wrap® is exactly what you require. This is an exceptional home based approach to maximizing your shoulder injury recovery process.
AidMyFrozenShoulder is committed to bringing you high quality products for helping you relieve pain and help you through your shoulder recovery process. These products come highly recommended by our customers - that's why we sell them, because they are the best.
Use a Shoulder TShellz Wrap:
- After swelling and inflammation have been reduced with cold compression.
- Before exercise or workouts to warm up your shoulder to prevent re-injury.
- Before and after surgery during rehabilitation to warm up your shoulder before exercising or stretching.
- Anytime you feel your joint has stiffened up, is tight and your mobility is reduced causing you more pain.
- Anytime you have sore or aching tissue in and around your shoulder.
- Any other situation where you need to increase blood flow to your shoulder to relax your soft tissue, relieve pain, prevent re-injury and enhance flexibility of your tissue.
How Scar Tissue Affects Your Rehabilitation
Scar tissue is something that will be present in your shoulder before and after surgery. The growth of scar tissue is ultimately what causes the stiffening in your shoulder, that restricts your movement and flexibility while you're suffering with frozen shoulder. Scar tissue is something that cannot be avoided during surgery. Your surgeon will determine if the anticipated outcome from surgery will be successful, despite the build-up of scar tissue that you will develop as a result of the surgery. Overall, the surgeon may be able to remove a lot of the initial build-up of scar tissue around the shoulder joint and in doing so, view a positive outcome from the surgery.
Unfortunately, scar tissue may plague you for weeks, months and maybe even years after your surgery, depending on your level of activity and the amount of conservative treatments you have done during your rehabilition. Scar tissue is a major problem, especially when it comes to re-injury of your frozen shoulder. When dealing with scar tissue it is always important to:
- listen well to your doctor and if conservative treatments are recommended, remember to stick to your (daily) treatment plan using these treatments, to avoid further surgery or avoid surgery altogether!
- if surgery cannot be avoided, know that frequent use of a Cold Compress or Ice Pack after your surgery will get the swelling down very fast. Much of the pain you feel will be from the swelling, and you will be surprised how quick the pain drops off once the swelling is down. Usage of the a Cold Compress or Ice Pack is also recommended as a conservative treatment option to increase your chances of avoiding surgery.
- The Shoulder TShellz Wrap is a safe device intended to help reduce scar tissue, increase flexibility in soft tissue and increase blood flow to the treatment area (thereby accelerating the body's own healing process).
- When applied before stretching, the Shoulder TShellz Wrap will help the connective tissue in the joint elongate, and stay elongated for some time after treatment. This means that it helps improve your range of motion which is exactly what you want when trying to recover from soft tissue damage and/or tight muscles.
Overall, continued treatment with the Shoulder TShellz Wrap will maintain good health in your shoulder and significantly reduce your risk of re-injury.
It may seem hard to believe, but regardless of what type of frozen shoulder surgery you have undergone (or are trying to prevent), our TShellz Wrap home treatment products will assist you in your goal of a quick recovery while reduce the risk of degenerative joint conditions by maximizing blood flow where it is needed most.
Are You Dealing with Rehabilitation After Frozen Shoulder Surgery?
We Have Answers that can Help...
Most cases of frozen shoulder will respond well to conservative treatments (if caught early), however, surgery will be needed in some cases where total mobility has been lost. Undergoing frozen shoulder surgery, whether you have manual manipulation of your shoulder or an arthroscopic vs open capsular release, can be a scary and challenging time for most.
The Internet and/or medical professionals that may be available to you (your surgeon, orthopaedic specialist and/or physical therapist) will provide a wealth of information and details on the surgery itself. However, it can be a challange to fully understand the medical terminology used, how your body reacts to the surgery and what comprehensive rehabilitation plan will get your body healed as soon as possible.
Surgery in itself is not the end of the journey, it is merely the beginning of a new chapter. Your rehabilitation efforts will have an important impact on how soon you can return to living and enjoying your normal daily life.
It truly takes a cohesive plan after surgery - incorporating conservative treatment options, rest, PT and stretching/exercise - to ensure a complete recovery takes hold. There is no single answer and each individual experience as rehabilitation is different from person to person.
We here at AidMyFrozenShoulder provide suggestions and options for people to help get them through this life changing event. We assist many people in shaping an individual course of action to help them through options for the recovery process.
The Next Step Is Up To You!
Living with pain is never easy as it affects your entire lifestyle. Living with pain during or after intensive surgery with a lengthy rehabilition period can be even harder! Nothing is more important than making the proper decision when it comes to treating your shoulder pain after surgery.
Rehabilitation at home, while attending regular PT or doctor appointments, is vital for your overall recovery. Consistent exercise and conservative treatment on a daily basis during your rehabilitation, while working with your doctor, is key!
AidMyFrozenShoulder stands out in this regard as our goal is to help you heal for the longer-term during your post-operative rehabilitation and beyond.

The bottom line is, you are welcome to try our products for a full 60 day period. Discuss our products with your doctor or physical therapist, and ask your medical professionals if integrating these treatments into your daily life is right for you! If you try the products as recommended yet do not receive the benefits that countless of our other customers have experienced, contact us to return the product and we will issue a prompt & full refund. There will be no hard feelings.
AidMyFrozenShoulder advisors do not work on commission, so be assured you will only receive fair and objective information.
Product Advisors are available 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Monday to Friday.
Living with pain is never easy and we encourage you to call us with any questions you have related to your frozen shoulder. We will do our best to help.
Learn More About Shoulder Injuries & TreatmentsI want to learn more about Frozen Shoulder Causes. I want to learn more about TShellz Wrap® Circulatory Boost I want to learn more about Ice & Heat: Which Is Better For Treatment? I want to learn more about Trigger Points. I want to learn more about Frozen Shoulder Manipulation. I want to learn more about Post Surgery Recovery?
During your recovery, you will probably have to modify and/or eliminate any activities that cause pain or discomfort at the location of your soft tissue injury until the pain and inflammation settle. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results!